Akaal Publishers

Creating timeless messages

Anand Karaj – Sikh Weddings & LGBT

After the gay Sikh wedding in the USA, social media accounts have been rampantly discussing the legitimacy of the process and if it was right or wrong? This article aims to dispel myths and false propaganda by neo-liberals who want to change the perfect Sikhi given to us by the Gurus.

The Sri Akaal Takhat Sahib banned Gay Sikh weddings in 2009 and reiterated this in 2015. You can find information on this with a simple google search.

Discuss, agree, disagree – but please please bring evidence from the Sikh Gurus and history to the debate, rather than opinions. We can all learn and share from this.

You can read the article on the link here https://akaalpublishers.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/The-Anand-Karaj-modern-challenges-2.pdf