Information wars, fake news, propaganda, and fact and fiction: all of which have become a foggy mess in the digital age. Fact-checking is unimportant and fake news is rampant. In times of uncertainty and political turmoil, information wars take centre stage to win hearts and minds of the people in order to win support and implement changes in policy and…
Category: Uncategorized
Farmer Protests
This is a guest blog from Pritpal Singh Mann who did a dissertation on farmer suicides and has studied the issues concerning farming in Punjab. You can either read the blog below or watch his video where he explains the issues concerning the current farmer protests in Delhi. Over the last few weeks farmers all across India have been…
Challenges to Punjab Farmers
The current farmer protests in India have been continuously vilified and simplified to play politics with the lives, futures and livelihoods of peasant farmers. Some of you may shirk at the term ‘peasant’ farmers, but in the scale of the problem, this is exactly where the problem lays, in hardworking people fighting to protect their livelihoods. This blog post is…
Bandi Shorr – The Emancipator
This blog post will focus on: Why do we, as Sikhs, celebrate Diwali? Do we only celebrate Bandi Shorr Divas? What’s the difference or are they both the same? The fifth Guru, Sri Guru Arjan Dev Jee, had been martyred whilst peacefully undergoing five days of inhumane torture at the hands of the minister, Chandhu. Chandu had enmity with the…
Dhan Dhan Mata Sahib Kaur Ji
Sikhs across the globe have been celebrating the Avtar Divas of Mata Sahib Kaur Ji over the last few weeks. This is the day Mata Ji took on human form to bless us. Akaal Publishers in partnership with Kaurageous and other like minded Sikh individuals came together some years ago to celebrate Mata Ji by creating a music track and…
Facebook banning Sikh posts
After yesterday’s mass Facebook banning of posts and accounts across the Sikhisphere we have done some digging into what has and is going on. Facebook has introduced some new words to their lists of banned terms, two we found to be popular yesterday were ‘Baba Gurbachan Singh Manochahal’ and ‘Bhai Jugraj Singh Toofan.’ So any posts that had used these…
Halloween of 1984
After the assassination of Indira Gandhi the prime minister of India on 31st October 1984, Sikhs were murdered, raped, injured and made homeless in Delhi and locations throughout India, in a premeditated and meticulously planned genocide. Listen to our article about what happened or alternatively read the pdf on Watch our digital documentary ‘Genocide 1984’ to learn more You…
Anand Karaj – Sikh Weddings & LGBT
After the gay Sikh wedding in the USA, social media accounts have been rampantly discussing the legitimacy of the process and if it was right or wrong? This article aims to dispel myths and false propaganda by neo-liberals who want to change the perfect Sikhi given to us by the Gurus. The Sri Akaal Takhat Sahib banned Gay Sikh weddings…
Meaning of the Sikh Wedding
What is the purpose of marriage for Sikhs? What does the Anand Karaj (Sikh wedding) signify? What does it mean for those participating in it? To learn about the answers to such vital questions for those getting married and being in married life, please read our short article on the topic which you can access here Image of Sikh…
Week 2 on Soundcloud ‘Sikh Code of Conduct course’
Week 2 of our ‘Sikh Code of Conduct course’ is now available to listen on soundcloud. Week 2 topics are life before birth, the 8.4 million births/deaths cycle, importance of human life, internal rehat, forms of the Guru and a look at the course content and sources used. Please listen to week 2 here Akaal Publishers · Sikh Code of…